Good artist copy, Great artist Steal
I’ve been there! I know how shits happen. I’d overheard a robbery plan. I know about college brotherhood.
I’d been with drugs cartels. I’d slept in a room with lunatics. I’d been robbed at the dead of a night. I’d spent a night in a jungle.
I’d been at insane spots. I’d seen a gun traded. And saw it fired. I’ve been busted by cops. And beaten to stupor. I’d seen a man die. I’d smoked weed. And got drunk. I’d watched porn. And mingled with prostitutes. I’d been a party rat. I’m the good bad guy.
I have also been in the church. Loyal and passionate. Working quietly in His vineyard. I have seen miracles happen. My eyes have seen His glory.
I have been a journalist. A PR guy. A brand consultant.
And a creative strategist. I have worked on world-class brands.
I have created ideas. Touchpoints. Pathways. Mindspace. A creative idiot in quest of redemption. I think, therefore I am.
An intellectual fusion of the last order. Breaking rules, setting paces. Blended to exclawow your imagination. That will kick off every shit in you.This is my gift to the world. IF YOU CAN’T BUY IT, abeg, STEAL IT!
Why You Need To Steal This
This book is stupid, complicated, awkward, and junky, probably
due to the years of thinking behind it, coupled with the mixed-cast
image depicting the confused minds of this generation who are
trapped between the present and the future.
Life’s dichotomy. You either come or go. And the answer is either
Yes or No. When you are privileged to be Yes, things flow in your
direction, otherwise you smell the real shit. Lol. Such is the level
This book flaunts illogical thought processes and links various
unconnected issues, or else, how would you explain the unholy
union between the pastor and the prostitute, or a professor and
Panadol? And on the extreme, Ali Baba in the midst of 40 thieves!
What the hell is Ali up to?! Is he the head thief?!
Why You Need To Steal This
This book is stupid, complicated, awkward, and junky, probably
due to the years of thinking behind it, coupled with the mixed-cast
image depicting the confused minds of this generation who are
trapped between the present and the future.
Life’s dichotomy. You either come or go. And the answer is either
Yes or No. When you are privileged to be Yes, things flow in your
direction, otherwise you smell the real shit. Lol. Such is the level
This book flaunts illogical thought processes and links various
unconnected issues, or else, how would you explain the unholy
union between the pastor and the prostitute, or a professor and
Panadol? And on the extreme, Ali Baba in the midst of 40 thieves!
What the hell is Ali up to?! Is he the head thief?!
Experience My Badass Books
Oliver Thief will mean different things to different people. To some, a shitty piece of mafioso advice, to some, a guide. To some, words of wisdom, some, instruction. Some, inspiration, some, sheer fantasy. But to people like me, it’s a pure bullshit. A dark inspiration.
Steal It is stupid, awkward, and junky, probably due to the years of thinking behind it, coupled with the mixedcast image depicting the confused minds of this generation who are trapped between the present and the future.
Life’s dichotomy.
Experience My Badass Books
Oliver Thief will mean different things to different people. To some, a shitty piece of mafioso advice, to some, a guide. To some, words of wisdom, some, instruction. Some, inspiration, some, sheer fantasy. But to people like me, it's a pure bullshit. A dark inspiration.
Steal It is stupid, awkward, and junky, probably due to the years of thinking behind it, coupled with the mixedcast image depicting the confused minds of this generation who are trapped between the present and the future. Life's dichotomy.