About the Author,Victor.

I am a writer that designs. A dark humor, weird inspiration and a fan of big idea.

Trusted by leading brands

I spend half of my day tiptoeing around creative cry babies that refused to be consoled. The other half drinking with ungrateful turn-ups who just fell off the truck. I work in advertising

I had wanted to read this book, so I wrote it.


I’ve been there!
I know how shits happen.
I’d overheard a robbery plan.
I know about campus
I’d been with drugs cartels.
I’d slept in a room with lunatics.
I’d been robbed in the dead of a
I’d spent a night in a jungle.
I’d driven across 7 Naija states in
a day.

I have a very crazy obsession. I write abnormal books! I stole ‘em.

Remember my first book? ‘IF YOU CAN’T BUY IT, STEAL IT’?
A purely out-of-the-box piece of shit! Now, I present to you the mafioso, OLIVER THIEF.

Oliver Thief is an intellectual engagement, a conversation.

This book came at a low period of my life when everybody left and I was seeking answers to many things. Suddenly I was alone, and angry.

Depression came knocking but I kicked the hell out of it and re-directed my anger and loneliness into the composition and the design of this book.

Without much scrutiny, you will feel my anger on every page, reflected in my several use of ‘f’, ‘mf’, and ‘sh’ words, which I intentionally didn’t edit because I want my readers to feel my anger!

Oliver Thief reflects various disjointed conversations that are a reflection of my scattered state of mind. Remember it was written at a period that my mind recklessly wandered about without control, gathering diverse thoughts from things I’d experienced.

Oliver Thief will mean different things to different people. To some, a shitty piece of mafioso advice, to some, a guide. To some, words of wisdom, some, instruction. Some, inspiration, some, sheer fantasy. But to people like me, it’s a pure bullshit. A dark inspiration. A deviation from the norm, a me-as-I-see-it approach to issues, and my personal opinion – and like ass hole, everybody has one. So you might have to figure out what this book means to you; remember it has no brain, so use yours.     

Amongst other things, Oliver Thief contains juices of the mind, corporate advices and cold-hard lessons I learnt as I move up the ladder, roaming between the Red Seas and the Egyptians, and sometimes walking in the midst of parted waters.

While I cannot vouch for its core target, I think this will appeal more to the ‘creathief’ wanderers who are in quest for inspiration for the next level. So, I cut a lot of craps to hit my points faster, while also inspiring with artistic expressions.

Warning!!! Don’t freaking ever read this book like others. Its fucking different.

Read with closed eyes and open minds, activate the 7th sense.
By the time I finish with you, you are truly finished because you will always see something to steal everywhere.

The sky is freakin cloudy, and its about to rain.

Welcome. To my private hell.  

Experience My Badass Books

Oliver Thief will mean different things to different people. To some, a shitty piece of mafioso advice, to some, a guide. To some, words of wisdom, some, instruction. Some, inspiration, some, sheer fantasy. But to people like me, it’s a pure bullshit. A dark inspiration. 

Steal It is stupid, awkward, and junky, probably due to the years of thinking behind it, coupled with the mixedcast image depicting the confused minds of this generation who are trapped between the present and the future.
Life’s dichotomy.

Oliver Thief will mean different things to different people.  

Steal It is stupid, awkward, and junky, probably due to the years of thinking…


I’ve been there!
I know how shits happen.
I’d overheard a robbery plan.
I know about campus brotherhood.
I’d been with drugs cartels.
I’d slept in a room with lunatics.
I’d been robbed in the dead of a night.
I’d spent a night in a jungle.
I’d driven across 7 Naija states in a day.
I’d seen a gun traded.
And saw it fired.
I’d been busted by cops.
And beaten to a stupor.
I’d been behind a police desk,
I’d made a court appearance.
I’d seen a man die.
And saw his destiny shattered.
I’d smoked weed.
And got drunk.
I’d watched porn.
And mingled with prostitutes.
I’d been a party rat.
I’m the good bad guy.
I have also been in the church.
Loyal and passionate.
Working quietly in His vineyard.
I have seen miracles happen.
My eyes have seen His glory.
I have been a journalist.
A master planner.
Badass writer.
A brand culture strategist.
An innovation manager.
A fintech guy.
A thought leader.
I have worked on world-class brands.
I have created ideas.
Touchpoints. Pathways. Mindspace.
A creative idiot in quest of redemption.
I think, therefore I am.
An intellectual fusion of the last order.
Breaking rules, setting paces.
Blended to exclawow your imagination.
That will kick off every shit in you.
This is my gift to the world.
If You Can’t Buy it, abeg, STEAL IT!
I’m Oliver Thief.


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