Eko Akete, The Jungle Brand

Eko Akete, ilu ogbon, aromisa legbelegbe, the Ecorporate headquarters of the happiest people on earth; housing over 18-million alayes, excluding the waka pass that come and go. Someone said if Lagos were a person, he would be a plumpy smoker with a big heart and a healthy appetite, but with veins and arteries abruptly insulated with excessive layers of cholesterol. My father said if he has both Lagos and hell, he would sell Lagos and live in hell. Lol.

Eko is a city of hustling and bustling; a city of running and jumping; of intellectuals and mugus; of professionals and ‘ignoramus pitaph’. A city of honesties and hoodlums.

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Steal It is stupid, awkward, and junky, probably due to the years of thinking…

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